Hamboards Saves The Day
We were stressed…
It was time to build out our Shark Tank display.
One thing you probably don’t know about Shark Tank is that the entrepreneur is responsible for building out and paying for their display that they stand next to. They have an incredible art team that offers suggestions and helps bring your vision to life, but they want to let your creativity shine.
With ActionGlow being such a visual product, we wanted to really nail this part while maintaining a reasonable budget. To feature our product on some big equipment brands within the action sport industry, Dakota and I put in the work and made hundreds of phone calls to get permission to use logos and designs on a national television show. This wasn’t an easy process, but there was a silver lining – we were able to talk with the some of the people we looked up to.
There was one pitch back in Season 5 that kept our dreams alive to keep applying to the show. That pitch was for a company called Hamboards. Dakota and I vividly remember Gus, Pete, and Donnie cruising down the iconic hallway and into the Tank on their surfboard-like longboards, designed to make you feel like you’re surfing on pavement.
Since watching their episode, we have been waiting and waiting for a good time to reach out to the guys over at Hamboards. We’ve always thought there could be a really cool synergy between our brands, and this presented the perfect opportunity to reach out.
On August 30th, 2022, I sent this email to Steve at Hamboards. Now mind you, we were flying out to LA on September 8th…

We couldn’t have hoped for a better response. Right off the bat, we were shocked with the generosity from them.
Donnie and the entire Hamboards Team was so excited for us. Not only did they hook us up with three of their newest boards to bring out into the Tank, but they also have been fully supporting us in every way possible before pithing to the Sharks, and now, leading up to our airing.
Having been on Shark Tank themselves, they completely understood the stress that comes along with it and have been right by our side through it all. They have been treating us like family, and have been treating ActionGlow as if it is their own product.
You will see a lot more from ActionGlow and Hamboards in the future, and right now they are doing something pretty special…

To promote our airing on Shark Tank, they are offering a discount on the boards we brought into the Tank with us. Head over to www.hamboards.com to cop your new “Paskowitz” or “Burst” board at a specially marked down price, for a limited time only.
We want to extend one last major THANK YOU to everyone over at Hamboards. You guys have helped us in so many ways, and we can’t wait to work on some cool projects together in the future! ActionGlow round 1 and Hamboards round 2 in the Tank (November 18th, 2022)!!
The ActionGlow Bros
Good job guys.
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